Baby milestones marked with customized illustrations and growth stats.
Little monsters living their best lives in the pacific northwest.
A chlidren’s book about a slug who’s not so ordinary and lives in a world suited for robots.
Custom illustrations turned into stop motion animation created to visually explain the ins and outs of Rabbi Brian’s Religion-Outside-the-Box.
The Gary Wilson Project is the story of of the life and death of a perfectly ordinary man told through the eyes of Norell Livington, an investigator for the Portland Public Administration Office. Her job is to search through the belongings of the recently deceased when there is presumably no one available to collect them or their things. An excerpt from a found letter written by Livington shows her commitment to the case:
The more I came to find out about Gary, the more I wanted to know. I discovered things, secret things, that I knew no one else knew…
When life gives you lemons…you don’t always get lemonade. Always expected the unexpected, and you’ll never be disappointed with the outcome.
When life gives you lemons…you don’t always get lemonade. Always expected the unexpected, and you’ll never be disappointed with the outcome.